Putting It All On The Line

Good evening folks. I know I have been scarce on my own blog, but I just want to say hey real quick. Today was a long, but productive day. I just got off the line with my guest radio spot on Independent Underground News and Talk. We had a discussion about what developments flow from the Justice Department findings and what happens next. It will be available for you to listen to soon.

However, what I wanted to mention in passing is that as I fade to the background on here, I come closer to launch for this second project. I am almost ready to announce a date. Stay tuned.

Also, I have poetry shows slated for March at The Shrine, and April at Word Up Bookstore. When I say I mean to put it on the line, I really mean it. (Word to Dipset) As I get this second book together, I have this mentality that this has to flourish the way I need it to. As I add the pictures, and wrap up sentences, it occurs to me that this is serious. Once you write something, you can’t unwrite it. Am I risking a lot by putting some issues out there? Am I handing my opponents things they very well could use against me? Both are quite possible. But yet, I find myself ready to push that button when the time comes.

That’s what’s on my mind tonight. Till next post (whenever that is, lol)

Peace y’all.

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