Don Lemon Defends Stop And Frisk In Midst of NYC Election

The controversial Stop and Frisk program has its detractors and defenders. Don Lemon chimes in as the latter. This morning in commentary on the matter, CNN anchor Don Lemon refers to “Stop (Question) and Frisk” as one of the biggest issues in the country. In voicing his opinion on the matter, Lemon plays into the fears of increased crime should the process end. Lemon, like many proponents of Stop and Frisk make a correlation between lower crime and the enactment of these measures. It is a correlation that is untrue according  to the work of the New York Civil Liberties Union. The facts are there about Stop and Frisk for those who really want to learn about them. Furthermore, with the practice being a major driving force in this mayoral election, it was terrible timing on his part to comment.

Lemon has not done his research on the matter he opined on today, following a pattern of his especially when it comes to matters that affect African-Americans. Today, he was rightfully (and hilariously, might I add) taken to task on Twitter. When anchors don’t research an issue, things can backfire. As they did today.


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