Why August Will Be Awesome

Greetings all. Today is August 1st. A fresh new month of opportunities for everyone. I hope you are all feeling well. I know I am. Aside from the fact that it is #Leoseason (T-minus 12 days until my born day-) there is just a lot to look forward to in August. In Harlem, there will be a number events for Harlem Week. From film showings to festivals for the youth, there will be something for everybody. Also, I may do some promo poetic appearances, so stay tuned for that.

Aside from personally looking forward to my 34th, I got some music and movies to check for. Of course, those that know me well can sort of guess that I will be checking for Elysium when it drops on the 9th. #SciFiNerdAlert After that, I will be checking for some new music. I only copped one CD so far this year.. and that was Yeezus. Y’all know how that went. #shotsstillfiring A rap album will drop on this month that I intend to get. Almighty: Second Coming is a compilation album presented by Canibus featuring Planet Asia, Killa Priest, Cappadonna, Kurupt among many others. Yes, I am still checking for Canibus. Who cares if he whipped out a notepad in a battle last year? He still got them bars. Peep the tracklisting here. On the flip side, I will also be checking for Amel Larrieux’s new album Ice Cream Every Day Its been a 5 year hiatus, and I am looking to hear what she has in store. Find out more about it here. I like the cover myself. It’s very nostalgic.

Today is a rather gloomy day, so I want to keep it upbeat. So, in short, despite the reality that the summer is at the mid point, we still have this whole month to enjoy. What are you looking forward to this month? Did I miss anything? Let me know.

-Marc W. Polite

Getting older.. and wiser too. (I hope) lol.

P.S. I was nominated by the Black Weblog Awards for Best Political or News Blog. Just thought I would let y’all know. *Smile*



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