CNN’s “Who Is Black In America” Tackles Colorism and Black Identity

The fifth in the series, this Sunday evenings Black in America scratched the surface of colorism in the Black community, in addition to the issues that bi-racial people face. For those who may not be familiar with the term colorism, it is the division between light skinned and dark skinned Black people. It plays itself out among other people of color as well.

While the Black in America series attempts to deal with issues that Black people face, there is a shortfall. I liked the artistic focus on this edition (what can I say, I am a spoken word nerd) and how they used their poetry to come to terms with many perception issues. However, I must say, that off hand, it seemed as though the tone of the thing was how attacked bi-racial people felt by Black people. It set up unambiguously Black people as the “Blacker than thou police” and depicted in-group persecution. Is this the best way to approach it, instead of pointing out how colorism cuts both ways?

What do you think out there?

-Marc W. Polite


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One comment

  1. I was considering watching the latest installation to this myriad of “Who’s Black in America” instead I opted out. Here’s why, identity is something that should never confuse you. You are who you are simply because that’s how God made you. If we spend our time focusing on what television and the media tell us what we are supposed to be, then you truly have lost your identity. In my lifetime, I too have been tossed about by the effervescence of racial ethnic winds, which is shapeless until we give it form in our ideas and perspectives. The polarization that is happening here in America does not surprise me because it’s been going on for years, and years, and years (the continuous beating of the dead horse). In my opinion, people of color should unite to improve the quality of people around the globe. The racial in-harmony that took place here in America was and still important, but we need to concentrate and focus our attention to something of more substance. Like healing the wounds within our families and community.

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