These rules were not established by President Obama, or other Americans of color for that matter, but are a result of a 500 year-old process of domination involving the use of language (white racial knowledge production) around black bodies inscribed in law, politics, education, medicine and every other major institution in society through a collective experience of human suffering, violence, psychological mayhem and the exploitation of labor and land theft. President Obama must work within the established and contemporary racial order or risk the perception of him as a public danger in the White House because his race is a “liability”-the elephant in the room that no ones wants to talk about. This may be to some extent why he avoids the question of race altogether (at least publicly) so far in his administration. And though the specifics of Romney’s plan for president never materialized throughout the debate, the Romney camp loses nothing by ruffling the President’s feathers in hopes of lighting a fire under him to get him a little more animated and, hence, a little more “black” to the average white viewer. President Obama has all the ammunition to reveal the facts and expose the loopholes of his competitor’s presidential platform that currently lacks in substance. The President can even celebrate a bit today given the national unemployment rate has fallen to 7.8%. Mortgage rates are at an all-time low as well , which is suggestive that the nation is moving in the right direction for many middle-class Americans. So President Obama’s task in the next debate is to maintain a course of calculated assertiveness, “attacking” his opponent’s platform with these additional talking points. But don’t be too black, Mr. President. White America has shown they can’t handle that (at least 57% of them can’t).
I wish President Obama had been more forceful – if that means ‘too Black’, fine by me. He held his own – especially in light of the fact that came out after the debate – Romney’s cheating and blatant lies. I went into the debate knowing who I will vote for and that hasn’t changed. I want four more years!
I can only speak for myself – and I am one of the 43% (also one of the 47%, but that’s neither here nor there), believe me when I say I am sick and tired of racial stereotyping. I know it exists and will likely continue as long as the flames are fanned. To be perfectly honest, I think Romney fits a lot of stereotypes attributed to wealthy white men – at least for me. I don’t have answers; don’t know how to overcome the issue, but I know I’m not alone in thinking it’s gone on far too long.
By the way … I am considered that stereotypical ‘bleeding heart, commie, pinko liberal’ and proud of it,