George Zimmerman Charged With Second Degree Murder; In Police Custody

After over 40 days of media attention and protests, the process of justice in the Trayvon Martin case has moved forward. George Zimmerman, has been charged with second degree murder. Currently, he is in police custody.

The family lawyer described this step as the “first base of justice.” Al Sharpton, who was with the family at the press conference was clear in stating that this was not a time for celebration. The issue of the “Stand Your Ground” law and whether it should be changed is now on the table.

Galvanizing the national and international community around this case definitely played a role in today’s outcome. Now the process can move foward as these investigations begin.

What are your thoughts on todays news on the Trayvon Martin case?

Marc W. Polite


  1. There is no cause to celebrate anything. Perhaps a sigh of relief can be quietly held as now there is, at least, a legal process underway. The gears are turning…but the gears are turning in Florida home of such judicial quagmires as the 2000 Election and Casey Anthony. So far, its seems the right charge–one that can be evidenced and proven without conjecture–has been used in the case. Its a first step but certainly its no victory that a man who killed a minor is being brought to court to defend his actions–no matter the circumstances.

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