Another Stolen Life: NYPD Murder Unarmed Teenager

Another Black man lost his life due to the actions of the New York Police Department. On Thursday, eighteen year old Ramarley Graham was shot and killed in the Bronx. He was unarmed. What was supposed to be a routine stop and a weed bust turned into a chase, ending in the police breaking in to his home. There is palpable tension in the community over this latest incident.

Community leaders and activists are now calling for a federal investigation into this shooting. There will be a  peaceful rally on Monday, (Feb 6th) afternoon in support of the Graham family. 229th and White Plains Rd. At 4pm.

-Marc W. Polite
Edit: 2.8.12 Video added


  1. Here we go again. Another young black man’s life taken for no good reason. As NYPD Stop-and-Frisk goes high-tech, it’s time for our young men to protect themselves by not carrying drugs or guns in the streets. It’s a way to protect themselves from trigger-happy police and from their own bad choices.

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