Polite On Society Wins Best Black Blog of 2011

Good evening my readers! Tonight I come to you from Washington, DC, the locale of the 2011  Black Press All Star Awards. Held at Washington Post headquarters, the annual event is a recognition of African-Americans working in media, be it print, radio, television or online. In attendance as a nominee, I made my way to the event, accompanied by my supportive family. Having them there made the surprising news all that more exhilarating. I am the winner of the award for Best Black Blog of 2011! It still is sort of surreal.

I did not expect to win. So of course when I was asked to address the crowd, I had NOTHING prepared, and pretty much had to go off the top of my head. I spoke briefly the continued necessity for Black media to tell the truth whether or not it is popular. I think I did aight, considering that I did not prepare a statement beforehand. I did not want to jinx myself and act like I just “had it” Overall, this has been a thrilling day, and it is great to be recognized by Black media professionals. The African-American community needs its own media outlets, and I am committed to fulfilling that need with this blog along with other upcoming ventures.

One things I neglected to do in my remarks was to do my thanks. Of course, I have to thank God for blessing me with the presence of mind to address many of the weighty issues that I deal with on here. I would like to thank my wife for being supportive and dealing with the time away from home networking and learning things about tech that at times keep me out late. I want to thank my daughter for making me get up early in the morning, as that is often when many of these posts are written. LOL. I would like to thank my readers for inspiring me and interacting with me. For suggesting I delve into topics, and pick up on things in new angles. And last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the category of Best Black Blog- Digital Arts. I faced some really stiff competition, but y’all really came through for a brotha.

Congratulations to The Philadelphia Tribune  for winning Black Newspaper of the Year, and to the Howard Hilltop for winning Best Black College Newspaper. Maya Rhodan, who writes for the Hilltop, came away with the College Journalist to Watch Award. Tomorrow is the second day of the ceremony, and there are more events to attend. So I will turn in and save my energy for that. Good night all!

Marc W. Polite

Black Press All Star Award Winner


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