Thankfulness and Your Health – Real Solutions for Your Health and Wholeness

by Amelia Evans

What have you done recently to improve your health? When was the last time you stopped to acknowledge all the good things that are happening in your life?

It is easier to think about the bad and evil things that are happening to you, to people around you, and to this world.

Negative emotions may even sometimes creep into your thoughts without noticing them. They also do your body and mind a lot more harm than you could imagine. Did anything good ever come out of thinking negatively?

What does practicing thankfulness look like?

Positive emotions are good for you. Here are some ways to be practice thankfulness:
1. Compliment others on their strengths

  1. Pray for someone else
  2. Write down things that you’re thankful for
  3. Volunteer your time to help other people
  4. Take daily walks

The link between thankfulness and health

Did you know that people who practice thankfulness have fewer aches and pains? Studies have shown a link between thankfulness and health. There are lots of reasons to be thankful but foremost could be health as its effects on the body are immediate. Here is a list of the reasons to be thankful:


Benefits of thankfulness

  1. Thanking other people makes them feel good

Saying “thank you” is a powerful tool. It is probably the easiest way to make someone’s day better.

  1. It makes you a more positive person

Being more positive lets you view the world as a kinder place than when you have negative thoughts. Your perceive experiences and relationships better. You become more gracious even of your past.

3. It makes you happy and more resilient

One of its strongest effects is probably on mental health. Thankful people cope better with stress and have increased resilience to the trauma that everyday life could give


  1. It makes you sleep better

A study that included 400 adults found that 40% of the participants experienced improved sleep by having thoughts of thankfulness and positivity right before falling asleep


How thankfulness improves our life

We all want to live a happy life. Counting our blessings makes us more aware and appreciative of the goodness we’ve received so far. Being thankful also has the effect of reducing or dependence on physical things for happiness. It gives clarity to your goals and helps you make smarter decisions.

When you are thankful, you have less anxiety and depression, and it also helps strengthen the immune system. A shift in perception changes your reality.


The Downside of Thankfulness
Surprisingly, it is possible to overdose on thankfulness. When we’re always thankful out critical thinking may go haywire. We might overlook the ill intentions of others which could cost us. We also need to recognize a situation for what it is. We have to be thankful for others but also see our own worth. If we forget to see our worth, this will open up the possibility for us to get into unhealthy relationships. We need to be critical of situations that are not favorable to us and make the necessary remedy to also make them good for us.


How to recognize non-thankfulness

Even if you’re thankful, it is not usual to back-slide to the previous state. So how do we avoid being unthankful and an unhappy person? Here are some signs you may need to consciously practicing gratitude:

  • You’re always in need
  • You don’t have time for other people unless you need them
  • You feel the world revolves around you


Keep on working on gratitude and thankfulness in your life. It is not permanent so you need to practice it keep reaping the rewards. Say out loud the good things that happen, keep a journal and list the things you’re grateful for, find something positive in everyone you know, and most of all say “thank you” to yourself. It is a part of self-care. Realize that you do the hard work and no one else to make a great life for you.

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