Author Profile: Meet Jaybee Nickelson

Jaybee Nickelson, Author of Priority Me

By Marc W. Polite

Greetings to all of my readers. This week on Polite On Society, we hear from Jaybee Nickelson. Jaybee is the author of Priority Me, a book meant to help transform lives. Read more below to learn about her journey from columnist to author, and what inspired her to transform her life.

Polite On Society: Who is Jaybee Nickelson? Tell us a little about yourself.

Jaybee Nickelson:  I am a Consultant, Author and Speaker with a focus on becoming the “total package me”! I have been in the Recruitment industry where I work with Leaders to staff their teams as well. I am also a Branding and Marketing Expert. I have lived in Arizona 20+ years, have 2 daughters ages 4 and 14. I am one of 4 kids and my parents have been married nearly 50 years. I sincerely enjoy being a Businesswoman and Mom.

POS: What motivated you to write the book “Priority Me”?

JN: I was inspired to write Priority ME when I took a look at my life about 2 ½ years ago. I was 50 lbs overweight and unhappy in every area of my life. I began to coach myself and take myself on as a client to lose the weight that I needed to. Through this process, I developed a love for myself that came with a new set of boundaries. From this, Priority ME was born. The book is an accountability tool to show you how to put yourself first in a healthy way. When done so, you are able to give to whatever obligations you have with quality and excellence.

“Priority Me” Book Cover
Author: Jaybee Nickelson

POS: What is one strategy that you would suggest that would help readers of your book get unstuck?

JN: Take swift action! Thinking on something and not executing is what keeps so many of us from seeing results. Acknowledge the need, map the plan and MOVE!

POS: How did you transition from writing a column to becoming an author?

JN: I contributed for years to Magazines and loved that, but I wanted to have more of an impact. I hired a company to help me plan out the steps in the process and to handle a lot of the red tape in the background. They consulted with me through each step. That divide and conquer strategy took some of the pressure and anxiety off of me and allowed to me to move forward. Sometimes, it takes a village.

POS: Do you have any appearances or events coming up that you would like our audience to know about?

JN: Here are my upcoming appearances:

Official Jaybee Brand kickoff mixer—August 2024

Community Corner Feature— August/September 2024

Secrets of 6 Figure Women Workshop—October 2024

Morning Blend TV Appearance- November 2024

POS: If you could give one piece of advice to those who want to unlock their full potential, what would it be?

JN: DO NOT take advice from people that aren’t aligned with your potential and who aren’t actively working on themselves. They can have a tendency to rub off on you and limit your self-belief.


I’d like to thank Jaybee for taking the time to share her story with us. To learn more about Jaybee, you can visit her official website at Jaybee’s World.

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