Planning The Perfect Family Getaway

By Brittany Cotton

Everyone needs a getaway from time to time. This is especially true for families who may have had an extremely busy year or one that’s been defined by several stressful situations. If you’re looking to break away, rest, and recharge, a family getaway might just be what the doctor ordered.


That being said, what does planning the perfect family getaway look like? More importantly, why should you opt for a family getaway instead of a solo vacation? Here are some tips and insights into planning the perfect family getaway that will make it


How to Plan the Perfect Family Vacation


Planning the perfect family vacation can seem like a stressful task in and of itself, but it’s not that bad when you have a few pointers to guide you along your journey. Here are a few helpful tips that will make it easier to get your trip started.

  • Establish a Budget: The ultimate determining factor in your family getaway is your budget. While you want to make sure that you and your family have fun, you also want to make sure you don’t suffer from financial stress or go into debt to make it happen. Establish a realistic budget, then start doing further research.
  • Find Some Ideal Destinations: Chances are that several vacation destinations will appeal to you and your family. For example, if you’re looking for something gorgeous and secluded, you may go for a Smoky Mountains resort getaway. Come up with a list of desirable ideas that you can run by the family so that you’re all excited to visit the destination you choose as a unit.
  • Come Up With Experiences and Activities the Whole Family Can Enjoy: Beyond just where you’re going, you’ll want to consider what you’ll be doing while you’re there. What are some of the top activities that your family likes to engage in or wants to do but is unable to where you live? Engage in a collective brainstorm, then see if you can find some destinations that offer most of those things. When the whole family enjoys the getaway, it’s a more memorable experience for everyone. Even if you’re on a limited budget, you’re sure to find plenty to do and enjoy!


The Mental Health Benefits of Visiting a Resort/Spa


A family getaway has that name for a reason. Life can be stressful for everyone in the family, regardless of their age or level of responsibility. For you or your spouse, you may be stressed out by all the things you need to take care of daily or burnt out from your job. For children, having to deal with all the classes and homework in school as well as navigating ever-changing social systems and extracurriculars can be a lot.


Visiting a resort or a spa gives you and other members of your family the chance to kick back, relax, and let the stress melt away. Chronic stress can do a number on your overall health, and taking a break allows you to break that cycle. With a family getaway, you can feel well-rested, happier about your life given where you are, and less stressed because you aren’t burdened with responsibilities while you’re at a resort or a spa. Once it is time to go home, you’ll be well-rested and energized enough to get back into the swing of things without being overwhelmed.


Reasons to Go on a Getaway With the Whole Family


There are plenty of reasons to go on a family getaway rather than on a solo vacation. A family getaway is an excellent opportunity to bond and create new memories. As children age and as you do too, these will be moments that you’ll never forget and will talk about for years to come. It’s also an excellent way for the family unit to experience new things, increase their knowledge of the world, and engage with each other outside of the ways that you normally would at home.


A family getaway is a stellar way to get a much-needed break and create lasting memories with the people you love most. If you’re considering a family getaway, use the guide above to plan one out and learn more about why these trips are so essential!

Brittany Cotton is a writer who focuses on health, wellness, and a variety of other topics. In her free time, you can find her reading, trying new recipes, or playing with her dog.

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