By Brittany Cotton
The larger part of our planet is covered by water. Underwater tourism wasn’t taken seriously for a long time, often seaen as an exclusive pursuit for the affluent and powerful. However, this narrative is changing with time, and many people now embrace it as an activity for all. Underwater tourism allows travelers to explore Earth’s deepest realm—the ocean.
Benefits of Underwater Tourism
The unique beauty and fun of underwater tourism has changed in recent years. Entrepreneurs have also taken advantage of the growing popularity of deep-sea exploration to make more money. There are very many benefits of underwater adventure, and some of them are listed below:
1. Sensitizing the Public on Marine Care
While seen as a thrilling adventure, underwater tourism raises awareness about marine conservation. Tourists are now learning simple tips to take care of the ocean and its importance. We forgot that oceans and seas were also part of Mother Nature for the longest time.
While caring for the environment benefits marine life, we must also focus on direct marine conservation efforts. Seas and oceans face challenges such as over-fishing, coral bleaching due to global warming, and water pollution. The more interest we put into underwater tourism, the more sensitive we’ll be to marine conservation.
2. Captivates Human Imagination
Human beings are naturally curious and enjoy digging deep into the unknown. For this reason, being underwater in depths that very few people have managed to reach gives them satisfaction. The ocean’s depths hold mysteries and vast expanses awaiting the brave to unveil. It is this mystery that is leading to the growth of the underwater tourism market.
Deep-sea and underwater tourism offer adventurous travelers a unique and unparalleled experience. They swim alongside majestic marine creatures like whale sharks, manta rays, and dolphins, marveling at the glowing bioluminescent organisms illuminating the deep sea. Different intentions and dreams drive divers.
Some want to join an underwater art gallery, while others dream of immersing in the tranquil beauty of deep-sea coral ecosystems. These activities satisfy our curiosity, connect us to a mysterious realm, and stretch our comfort zones. The surge in deep-sea films, documentaries, and TV shows reflects a rising fascination with exploring its captivating beauty.
3. Remarkable Advancement in Technology
The continuous growth in desire and curiosity to understand the deep-sea world has led to the growth of many submarine apparatus. The development of submersibles, underwater vessels, and diving equipment has been on a great rise, making deep-sea more accessible. SEAmagine tops the list of manufacturers of the most reliable submersibles and underwater vessels for decades.
Scuba diving was the only basic means of reaching the deep-sea world a few years ago. This required a lot of training and was risky even for a skilled diver. This is because there was no specialized gear to ensure your safety. The rise of underwater tourism has spurred innovation in safety gear, including user-friendly diving apparatus and full-face snorkel masks. This means you don’t have to be trained to explore the underwater realms.
Benefits of Submersible Excursions on Earth/Environment
Submersible excursions are not only a fun way of exploring the world around us. It has many other benefits that we rarely think of. Some of these include:
1. Collecting Data to Address Emerging and Existing Management Needs
Submersible excursions ensure deep-sea resources are managed right to preserve them for use by future generations. Simultaneously, it’s vital for national security, safeguarding American interests through boundary establishment and ocean resource claims.
2. Reveals New Sources of Vaccines and Medical Therapies
There is a lot of wealth and riches hidden in the deep-sea world. However, this wealth can never be utilized until it is first discovered. Submersible excursions can reveal possible sources of energy, food, vaccines, and medical therapies. At the same time, ocean exploration can give detailed information on how Earth’s environment affects our daily activities.
Are Submersible Excursions Expensive?
The cost of submersible excursions depends on many factors, including the time taken underwater and the equipment used. However, regardless of how short the time taken underwater, this is an expensive affair. The least expensive trip starts at $15,000 per person and can reach up to $250,000 with varying service levels.
SEAmagine is famous for producing unique and long-lasting submersibles worldwide. Looking at the price of their equipment says a lot about the cost of a single underwater encounter.