Do you still remember the first book you read that was so good that you literally didn’t want to put it down? You might’ve fallen asleep with the book still in your hand, clutching it as if you might lose yourself if you lost your place. It’s much easier nowadays to find a piece of great Black literature, but it is also harder for standout authors to do just that. No, you don’t need an agent to get noticed in the world of literature today, but you had better have a great plan underway if you are trying to connect to a larger audience. Writers with a masters of social work online degree have topics of all sorts that they can take inspiration from, and even the most inexperienced authors can start a self publishing career just based on the size of their Facebook friends list. There is a huge market for authors of Black literature to get into self publishing, and here’s the five easiest ways to do it.
1. Write What You Know
Fiction or autobiography, readers can immediately tell what, and namely who, is authentic after no more than a couple of pages. If you know technology, you might make an excellent science fiction author. Social workers that have completed MSW online programs usually make excellent young adult authors, drawing from their experience dealing with interpersonal relationships. Sports fans, desperate housewives, aspiring chefs and even retirees can all find a niche that they know like the backs of their collective hands.
2. Write to Market
Although fans of certain genres say that they want to be surprised and have their preconceived notions challenged, what they really mean is that they want you to read their minds. Most sub categories of black literature and all types of literature for that matter follows a script, or a formula if you will. Romance fans want their stories to end on a happy note, while crime novel readers love a good cliffhanger. Write to the market that you are trying to appeal to to achieve longevity.
3. Write Sophisticated Prose
Take what you’ve learned from your online masters of social work and gussy up your stories with a few fancy words and alliterations. If you’re intent on writing for a sophisticated audience, you’re going to need to rise to the writing challenge. Don’t write a college dissertation in the form of a book, but instead captivate readers with your mastery of the English language.
4. Write to Your Fans
Seriously, once you gain a following you have to make your readers feel that they are valued. Let them know that they exist by answering some of their questions and rewarding them for being loyal readers with sneak peeks and exclusive works. Good authors can be hard to find, but loyal fans are forever.
5. Write the Right Way
You’re going to have to write a lot in order to do well in self publishing. And even after you have written the greatest book ever, it will need loads of polishing. This means that your book should be professionally edited, proofread and only then will you be able to send advance copies to your fan club. Writing memorable literature means writing the right way, so don’t think that you’re going to be able to bang on a keyboard and expect a complete work to emerge.
Self publishing has produced accomplished authors in literally every genre imaginable. People who were once shy about having their writing disseminated are now earning a respectable living simply by doing what they love the most. If you are as big of a reader as you are a writer, being a successful self publishing author is a goal that is fully achievable.