In a direct jab at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again”, Krystal Lake of Staten Island counters with a hat saying otherwise. Cutting through the dense, racist nostalgia, this hat says more in four words than Trump has for his entire campaign. Thumbs down on erasure, and being ahistorical about the experiences of people of color, women, and pretty much everyone else who Trump doesn’t have a use for. Lake, who is also a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, wanted to make a statement about the 2016 election. Well done.
What the streets want to know is when the fitted version of this cap comes out. Sticker on it, and all. Because, Harlem. Immortal Technique need to rock that at his next concert. With the Urban League recently releasing a report about how Black Americans are locked out of Education, Jobs, and Justice, it’s a little hard to see this great America that once existed.
The myth making business is the American way, and who better to play on it than a reality show creator?