POS: I notice that you are also a consultant. Where else are you trying to go with this?
TJ: My vision is simple. I want to reverse the fact that 4 out of 5 black women are overweight. Black women are strong women and can do most anything they put their minds to. The problem is many black women don’t have themselves on their mind. Black culture is big on family and giving back and I love that, I just think sometimes we lose ourselves in the process. We are so busy taking care of work and home, serving at church, and make things better for those that are coming up behind us that we forget to make time for ourselves. 265 Point Coaching exists to help women make space in their lives for themselves again. 265 Point also offers seminars and I speak at conferences and retreats to inspire positive change and bring more attention to this important topic. Ultimately, I want 265 Point to be a worldwide brand that inspires hundreds of thousands of women and their families to take the lives back. It’s time we put ourselves at the top of our to-do list.
POS: If you had one piece of advice for an aspiring author, what would it be?
TJ: Stop waiting for the time to be right, just do it! As with fitness, there is no perfect time to start. You just have to make a decision and do it. Start with just 30 minutes a day. If you’re consistent, momentum will build and the pages will start adding up. You could knock that book out in 4-5 months! But it will always be a dream unless you start. Set a deadline and get to it!
POS: Is there anything else you would like the readers of this blog to know about you?
TJ: Yes, because I’m 5’9”, many assume that I was a high school athlete. I wasn’t. I had never exercised seriously until age 34 so don’t let that be a barrier. Change is possible for YOU! It all starts with a decision. As long as you’re still breathing, you can still choose a different path, you can choose to reinvent yourself. It’s not too late! If you’d like to learn more about me and my journey to health and wholeness or check out my book 265 Point, visit my website at www.265point.com. For daily fitness, nutrition and motivation tips, follow me on Facebook as “Tamara Jackson Fitness Expert” and on Twitter as @fitnesstamara.