The day after Thanksgiving is typically a day of lounging around for most, and shopping for others. However, in light of Monday’s Ferguson decision, it became a day of action.

Online, while many shifted their monies to Black businesses instead of big mainstream chains, activists across the country decided that things would not go on as usual. In front of the State Office Building on 125th street in the cold, the dedicated few made their presence felt. The Stolen Lives Project documents police killings across the country. Yesterday, the parents of those who lost their lives to law enforcement spoke out.
The purpose of the rally was to express solidarity with the people of Ferguson, and in particular the Brown family. Here in New York, many are anticipating another affront to justice in the case involving Eric Garner. As people take notice of inappropriate action on the part of the judicial system in these cases, one can expect to see more efforts like this.
There will be another rally for Garner on Saturday, November 29th.