The Endless Business Opportunities of SEO

5.  Optimize your Site


Once you have an idea of the theme of your site, start by performing keyword research.  You can use Google’s Free Keyword tool, or a paid tool such as


Incorporate those keywords into your site, particularly:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • H1
  • Body of the page
  • Outbound Anchor text


Other elements to consider are HTML code validation, code to text ratio, and avoiding duplicate content.  Site speed is very important, not just for users, but also for search engines, so make sure you are using a fast hosting company like HostPapa.


6. Easy to read content.


You don’t have to be a copywriter to start your own blog, but you do need to know how to make content easily accessible to the average person. If your content is too long, too boring or hard to read, you will ultimately lose your following.


Quick tips on easy to read content:


  • Short sentences. In the blogging world, a paragraph is equivalent to three to four sentences at most.


  • Bullet points. Whenever possible, try to create short lists and bullet point them. This allows people to skim through articles and still pick up main points.


  • Highlighted sections. Whenever you do have larger paragraphs in articles, highlight the most important parts to make it easier to read and draw people’s attention to the points they want to read.


  • Eye-catching photographs. Visual content is one of the keys in getting people to stay put on your page. It makes your content look more professional and is just plain aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. business4


7. Monitor your audience.


Google Analytics is a great free tool to monitor who is looking at your website. This program can help you see where people are clicking around your site, how long they stay on each page and when they decide to leave your website.   With Google Analytics, you can learn where your visitors are coming from, what they’re doing on your site, how they react to your content, and so much more!

SEO is easy to learn and a great business for young entrepreneurs to take advantage of. Many tools are available at your fingertips online by doing a quick google search. Use the tips above to turn your blog or website into a well-oiled machine and watch your success skyrocket.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer and online marketing professional in Los Angeles. She currently works with HostPapa, and has made a living in SEO since 1999. Her writing covers several different topics, including social networking, search marketing and web analytics.


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  1. These are some great basic SEO tips! Thanks for sharing! I think that the social media is one of the most important parts of business promotion.

  2. I like that you have separated guest posting out from link building. Too many people simply view this as a way to obtain links without seeing the bigger picture. It’s a way to get in front of your target market and build your authority by leveraging the traffic base of related popular sites.

  3. Great article on SEO. Incorporating social media is a great way to gather new followers and loyal customers. Without putting some effort or thought into SEO and increasing traffic then your business will slowly fail. You must create a following to help create awareness.

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