The Dangers of The Peacock Elite: A Few Words With Major Owens

POS: In the aftermath of Scott Walker’s victory, do you think that monied interests have overridden the will of the voters?

MO: Monied interests have not yet overridden the will of the voters; however, the rich oligarchs have become more dangerous than ever. Among Blacks certain leaders have placed themselves on an auction block and are waiting for bids from right-wing sponsors. Consider the recent switch of former Congressman Artur Davis from Democrat to Republican. As noted in my book the champion sellout to date is Harold Ford Jr. who now enjoys a salary of more than a million dollars from a Wall Street bank and serves as a “ conservative Democratic spokesman”.

POS: In your advertisement for the book, you use the term “predator peacock” Can you elaborate more on that term?

MO: Among the headline hunting members of Congress the “Predator Peacocks” show no mercy in using their fame or high visibility to make maximum gains for themselves and never hesitate to betray their constituents in the process. The worst predators are named in my book.

POS: What do you want the reader to take away from “The Peacock Elite?

MO:I want the reader to be shocked into a new political consciousness and become active in combating the great betrayal by the predator peacocks and other political institutions that threaten to wipe out all of the gains Blacks made with marching and dying for the right to vote. Black leaders must be exposed and consistently held to a higher standard.

I would like to thank former Congressman Major Owens for taking the time out to communicate with us on these important issues in the Black electorate. Mr. Owens is currently a faculty member at Medgar Evers College. The Peacock Elite is available now.

-Marc W. Polite







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