Good morning, my readers. It’s finally Friday, and we made it through. I know you may have looked at the title of this thread and thought, “What is he starting up now?” At least hear me out first. There is a saying that goes that you have to speak things into the universe in order for them to go into motion. Whether it is called the Law of Attraction, or the power of positive thinking, it’s a notion that if you speak on it, it will begin to manifest. At this point, I am like.. why not put it out there? I don’t want to keep having not, because I am asking not. Don’t make me start preaching on a Friday morning, y’all.
I think it is time for me to get into a book deal situation. Not that I am giving up on independent publishing, but a book deal would be nice right about now. I do have experience. For those that may not be aware, next Friday- February 24th will be the four year anniversary of the publication of “Poetic Ruminations of Mr. Born Nice.” I will have four years of being an author under my belt. If this country can elect a president with no political experience, then surely there’s room to better the lives of those who have some. I’m just saying.
In addition, I know how to really get a conversation going( see Facebook timeline for examples, lol) It’s not like I had ghostwriters or anything like that. I put my personal business out there in “Everything To Learn, Nothing to Teach” and can fight off internet trolls like nobody’s business. If I was untested, I could understand. I am not going away, so someone “minus well” sign me so I can be featured as an author in Poets and Writers. It’s just the right thing to do, and a natural progression. Let me rock.
Getting a book available in Barnes and Noble is something that is on my bucket list. I am ready to follow in the footsteps of the great authors of the Harlem Renaissance. Since it seems damn near impossible to do that independently, I will need some help in being greater. If you know anyone that can facilitate that, tell ‘em to Help A Brotha Out. Any serious inquiries will require a meeting with me at the Starbucks on 125th street. Your treat, though. It’s either this, or get in the booth and start rapping. #DesperateTimes.. lol Anyway, just my thoughts this morning. Y’all enjoy your Friday, and your weekend as well. Until next post, peace!
-Marc W. Polite