So, I was Wrong About Blackish

Good evening folks. Let’s just get right into it. 2 years ago, I ran a piece titled “Why I wont be watching ABC’s Blackish” on this blog. While I did not write it, I basically agreed with the outlook of the piece. Back then, I tried to watch the first episode, and found it to be meh. The theme of the show, along with the name just rubbed me the wrong way. As a fan of “Good Times” and “Roc”, those shows felt much closer to my personal experience and what I saw around me. It just came off as just another faux idyllic show with a middle class Black family, one that I given my background can’t really relate to.

That was until I saw the clip circulating from last night’s show. Wow. That was real. As a person who voted for President Obama (The first time around) , that really resonated. Additionally, my wife and I were at the inauguration as well.. and honestly, I remember that sentiment that Anthony Anderson’s character spoke about. That was really powerful. I misjudged this show myself too harshly. While I have yet to check out that episode, I will be making a point to do so when I can. A scene like that which dealt with racial tension and the state of this country and Black people in it with such nuance is still much needed. Especially when those loud, right wing voices just seem to get louder and louder about “Making America Great” again.

So yeah, I just wanted to say that. Might as well cop to it, for the sake of honesty ya know? Your thoughts are more than welcome.


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