Promoting A Post- 31 Days To Building A Better Blog- Day 3 #31DBBBDay3

Greetings to one, greetings to all. As some of you may know, I am doing the 31 Days to Building A Better Blog exercise. You, dear reader may also be vaguely aware that yours truly has a book out. If you look to your right, you will see a photo of the cover. Since today’s task is to promote a post, for the purpose of utility, why not promote the one I wrote about my recently released poetry book? (I already told y’all it’s not a game)

Some may ask, why I decided to do this. As I blogsplained in the original post, I feel it is time for me to branch out. A chapbook is the perfect way to begin that expansion. It’s like a “warning” shot to other authors out there. You have the opportunity to see the first work, a writer in his beginnings. Act now, and you can see what my writing is like before I totally sell out and go all commercial on you. (Smile)

Anyway enjoy your Saturday! Don’t forget, today is #BiggieDay




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